[When I write blogs, I thought I’d like to function that automatically tweet. Therefore, I made that function used by twitter API.]
Table of Contents
[Let’s begin twitter]
[I didn’t have twitter account. Therefore I make it in the first]
[Because, I thought my heart seems to be rough in usually use twitter. (lol)]
[I thought when I start business, also start twitter. However, I hate I don’t know anything about twitter when the timing is coming. Therefore let’s try it now! It’s my motivation.]
[How to tweet automatically within twitter]
[As basic, this blog is written by WordPress, Therefore the process that automatically tweet is based on WordPress.]
[However the setting regarding twitter API is same. so, if you don’t use WordPress users the setting also can refer.]
全体的な手順としては以下の通りです。(1. 2. は順不同)
[The process is follow. (1,2 are in no particular order )]
- 1. WordPressにアドオン「WP to Twitter」を導入
[Introduced add-on “WP to Twitter” to WordPress] - 2. TwitterでAPIを使用できるように設定
[Set up to use API on Twitter] - 3. WordPressでTwitter APIを設定して自動ツイート
[Set up Twitter API in WordPress and automatically tweet]
1.WordPressにアドオン「WP to Twitter」を導入 [Introduced add-on “WP to Twitter” to WordPress]
以下の図の通り、WP to Twitterを導入します。以上!
[Introduce WP to Twitter as shown in the figure below. that’s all!]
2. TwitterでAPIを使用できるように設定 [Set up to use API on Twitter]
[In order to use the API to tweet automatically, you need to register as a Developer on Twitter.]
WP to Twitterの設定ページから赤く囲んだリンクに飛ぶとDeveloper登録できます。
[You can register as a Developer by jumping to the link enclosed in red from the page.]
リンク先で、Twitter開発ツールを使う主な理由はなんですか?みたいな選択画面がありますが、私は適当に「Building tools for Twitter Users」を選びました。
[What is the main reason to use Twitter development tools at the link destination? There is a selection screen like, but I chose “Building tools for Twitter Users” appropriately.]
[After that, as you proceed with the settings, there are places where you have to write in English, but there is no problem if you write it with reference to my appropriate English.
However, it not necessary for those who can read English. lol]
How will you use the Twitter API or Twitter Data?
(Twitter APIまたはTwitter Dataをどうやって使う予定なん?)
⇒回答:Twitter APIを私のブログで使用したいです。現在、ブログを更新時に手動でツイートしなければなりません。理想としては、自動的にツイートしたいです。そのために、更新時に勝手にツイートしてくれるアドオン「WP to Twitter」を導入したいです。これによって私は誰かのために、より有益な情報をツイートできます。
[Answer : Please read the image if you can read English.]
Will your app use Tweet, Retweet, Like, or Direct Message functionality?
(どんな感じでTweet, Retweet, Like, Direct Messageをアプリで使う気や?)
[Answer : Please read the image if you can read English.]
[There is no problem if you select “No” other than the above two questions.]
[Click Next to move to the answer confirmation screen.]
ポリシーにも同意して”Submit application”をクリックすればDeveloper登録完了です。
[Agree to the policy and click “Submit application”, Developer registration is completed.]
[And you have to configure the API.]
[I will introduce the details in the next article.]
[Thank you for reading to the end!!]